15.10.2014, 09 Uhr - DOOB GROUP AG

(press1) - Düsseldorf, September 30th 2014 - The trend towards a selfie is unbroken. The boom for the self-portrait is now completed by a spectacular 3D-perspective. Participants, who make a selfie and dedicate it to a good purpose, get the chance to win an individ-ual 20 centimeter #3DSelfie - an original miniature edition of oneself. For the first time the selfie breaks through the third dimension and becomes a three-dimensional image.

How it works: Participants make a selfie and dedicate it to a particular person or a charitable cause. The goal is to make someone a pleasure or to embellish everyday life a little and to do something good. The main thing is that it is a selfless concern, precisely a selfless selfie. The photo should then be posted in the social networks, with the comment: My #3DSelfie is for "name" #UNIQLOBerlin. Or by e-mail to:  
Among all submitted and posted selfies, a jury will then select the best ones for an international "3D Selfless Selfie Exhibition". Participants, who have gained a #3DSelfie, will be digitally measured for this purpose and may be scanned in the DOOBLICATOR in one of the following UNIQLO stores: Berlin, New York, Paris, San Francisco and London.
More information available at  
The DOOB GROUP offers physical and digital 3D-models for the mass market. The company has a self-developed and patent pending software that fully automates the 3D-scan of a person or an object into a 3D-data model that can be easily read and processed by the commercial 3D-printers. An additional post-processing is not needed. Thus, the quality of the 3D-models is unbeatable. The DOOBs are lifelike and true to color and detail like no other 3D-figurine. With this the DOOB GROUP democratizes the three-dimensional photo for everyone. Fast, precise and completely uncomplicated. With just one click, using our know-how and service, everyone can become part of the digital 3D-world: as a physical 3D-model of the own scan-data set or as a personal digital avatar, entering the widths of the WorldWideWeb.

Press contact DOOB GROUP
Thomas Huber
semanticom GmbH
Reinhardtstr. 41, 10117 Berlin
Telephone +49 * 30 * 275 80 81 11

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The Selfless Selfie Project
The Selfless Selfie Project

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