S4M’s Most Modern Media Sales System in Las Vegas
21.04.2006, 18 Uhr - S4M - Solutions for Media
"S4AdSales NG" presented at NAB 2006
(press1 - 21.4.2005) S4AdSales NG is S4M's brand new Cross Media Sales System and will be demonstrated during NAB 2006 in Las Vegas. It is based on S4M's extensive experience in the area of air time sales / media sales systems, but was developed from scratch, focusing on the latest technology and setting a high value on corresponding to varying workflows of different broadcasters around the world.
S4AdSales NG enables broadcasters to manage and place advertising efficiently and effectively and represents all the important tasks in one integrated system, featuring e.g.
- Customer Relations Management
- Sales Proposals
- Contract Management
- Traffic
- Pricing/Forecasting
- Tape Library Management
- Billing
- Ratings Analysis and Prediction
With S4AdSales NG S4M developed a system that makes work easier, that keeps customers satisfied, that saves money and that even helps to increase revenue:
S4AdSales NG is a "Real Time Integrated System". That means it replaces various single systems (which in some cases are not even connected to each other) and combines them to create an efficient and time saving workflow. When using old systems a lot of information has to be input several times; within S4AdSales the according information is available at once and as soon as some information changes, this change is considered in every single module as well. That way everybody always works with up to date data and a huge source of error (manual input) is eliminated. All this leads to a noticeable increased performance.
S4AdSales NG increases revenue. One of S4AdSales NG's most innovative features is to optimize inventory and to optimize spots placement. The system for example enables users to define targets like "fill up unsold inventory" (plotting) or "improve avails" or "GRP target achievement". Parameters like spread rules or any legal or business constraints like exclusions, preferred placements, etc. are considered as well and can be modified, too. Then as many simulation runs as desired can be accomplished. And finally, if the result complies with the user's requirements, the automated booking process can be started and physically books a given simulation. This method of automated optimization pays out: In a live test the optimizer module was able to reduce the over delivery of ‘manual' GRP-bookings by more than 13 percent while keeping - and even improving - the customers' placement preferences. That way, customers' needs have been fulfilled completely although using 30% less airtime, most of it being part of primetime slots, which could be sold additionally.
S4AdSales NG provides unique easy to use and customizable user interfaces. To make the use of the system as convenient as possible S4M developed a sophisticated user interface concept. Firstly, the design of the different modules reflects the typical chronology of the various tasks within a module. That way a huge part of the system is self-explanatory and (airtime) sales experts are able to use the system immediately. Secondly, every module provides an easy overview all the time. The use of clearly labelled tabs makes it possible to open and work within any desired number of windows without getting confused. Although users deal with most complex tasks, they need just 3 or 4 mouse clicks to access any desired context, no matter in what context they work in the beginning. And thirdly, every user is able to personalize the interface according to his wishes. This includes dockable windows (windows can be arranged in the desired order via drag and drop. When dropped, the window docks to the next window) and collapsible windows (e.g. if desired, navigation windows only appear when needed and collapse automatically afterwards. That way the screen provides more space).
S4AdSales NG provides additional value through video features and integrated media analysis. As soon as a concrete commercial film is available S4AdSales NG gives users access to the corresponding video material. The user just has to click on the appropriate film name and the video starts at the PC screen. This e.g. can be very helpful when it is necessary to check film content. S4AdSales NG's integrated media analysis module tops the system off: On the one hand, it provides the possibility to import a huge amount of ratings information that is used e.g. to estimate future ratings of programs. On the other hand the system enables users to autonomously and quickly call up television audience measurement (TAM) information important to them. Various television-viewing reports like market share, market leader reports and competitor comparisons are provided and even audience flow can be tracked. Furthermore the system combines ratings information with video and allows at a glance ratings and content comparison. It is possible to watch five different channels and the corresponding ratings at once.
S4M - Solutions for Media GmbH
Das Kölner System- und Beratungshaus S4M - Solutions for Media, eine Tochter von arvato systems und RTL Television, entwickelt und vertreibt auf die Medienbranche spezialisierte integrierte Softwarelösungen. S4M Systeme werden bis heute in 30 Ländern weltweit eingesetzt. Ob Werbezeitenvermarktung oder Video Content Management, ob Programmplanung, Lizenz- und Rechteverwaltung, Quotenanalyse oder Produktionsplanung: S4M hat die Lösung. Zusätzlich steht das kombinierte S4M Know-how der Medien- und IT-Branche den Kunden in Form von professioneller Beratung zur Verfügung.
S4M Solutions for Media GmbH
Am Coloneum 3
50829 Köln
Pressekontakt: Marcus Metzner
E-mail: mailto:Presse@s4m.deTel: 0221/28555-0
Fax: 0221/28555-210

S4M - Solutions for Media
Marcus Metzner
Am Coloneum 3
50829 Köln
Tel: +49-221-28555-0
Fax: +49-221-28555-210
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