10th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2010

11.11.2009, 15 Uhr - Institut fuer Bildverarbeitung und angewandte Informatik

(press1) - July 12-14, 2010, Berlin/Germany, The Industrial Conference of Data Mining, ICDM, is the leading event where researchers, practicioners and newcomers in the field of data mining come together to share their ideas and discuss new trends in Data Mining.

At this conference series, new theoretical and practical topics in data mining have been developed over the years. Work on multimedia-data mining and applications in medicine, agriculture as well as in security have been presented.

Researchers from all over the world will present theoretical and application-oriented topics on Data Mining. Practicioners can present and discuss their ongoing projects in Industry Sessions.

Besides the technical Sessions the Conference is featuring an Industrial Exhibition, a Best-Paper-Award for Talks and Posters, and four Workshops: Data Mining in Life Sciences DMLS, Case-Based Reasoning on Multimedia Data CBR-MD, Data Mining in Marketing DMM, and Data Mining in Agriculture.

The deadlines for Paper Submissions are:
Deadline Long Paper
Submission of papers: 06.01.2010

Deadline Short Paper
Submission of papers: 30.04.2010

Deadline Industry Paper
Submission of papers: 31.05.2010

Institut fuer Bildverarbeitung und angewandte Informatik
Prof. Dr. Petra Perner
Kohlenstr. 2
04107 Leipzig
mailto:pperner@ibai-institut.de   http://www.data-mining-forum.de  



Institut fuer Bildverarbeitung und angewandte Informatik
Petra Perner
PF 301114
04251 Leipzig
Tel: 03418612273
Fax: 03418612275

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