New reader provides background knowledge on interactive narrative content
11.08.2005, 09 Uhr - HighText Verlag
(press1) - 11. August 2005
Out now:
Developing Interactive Narrative Content. sagas_sagasnet_reader
The nearly 500 page compilation gathers 22 articles by sagas_sagasnet experts and selected participants dealing with a broad spectrum of issues to be considered when developing interactive narrative content, as well as on the expanding field of interactive media itself. The collection covers iTV, interactive film, games, mobile applications, installations; gathering interactive theory essays, descriptions of experimental applications, relevant articles on legal issues or teaching methods for interactive film...
Ernest Adams (game consultant): Design Considerations for Interactive Storytellers;
Richard Adams (Creative Director, Zip TV, iTV specialist): Behaviour, Intelligence and Invisibility and its Effect on Narrative;
Frank Boyd (new media expert): The Perfect Pitch;
Matthew Costello (writer, game consultant): The Big Question & about all those horrible, terrible videogames;
Noah Falstein (writer, game consultant): Natural Funativity;
Steve Dixon (Professor Performance and Technology, Brunel University), Magnus Helander (producer) and Lars Erik Holmquist (Leader Future Application Lab,Viktoria Institute): Objective Memory: An Experiment in Tangible Narrative;
Christopher Hales (interactive filmmaker): Interactive Filmmaking: An Educational Experience;
Michael Joyce ((hypertext-) author, Professor of English and Media Studies, Vassar College): Interactive Planes: Toward Post-Hypertextual New Media;
Sibylle Kurz (coaching specialist): The Art of Pitching;
Craig A. Lindley (Professor of Game Development, Institution for Technology, Art and New Media, University of Gotland): Story and Narrative Structures in Computer Games;
Michael Nitsche (Assistant Professor, School of Literature, Communication & Culture, Georgia Institute of Technology): Film Live: An Excursion into Machinima;
Teijo Pellinen (producer, director): Akvaario: You Are Not Alone At Night;
Bas Raijmakers (user experience specialist) and Yanna Vogiazou (Lecturer Interactive Media Design, University of Luton): CitiTag: Designing for the Emergence of Spontaneous. Social Play in a Mixed Reality Game;
Volker Reimann (scientist, C-Lab, University of Paderborn): Authoring Mobile Mixed Reality Applications;
Greg Roach (CEO and Artistic Director HyperboleStudios): Granularity, Verbs and Media Types in Interactive Narratives and Narrative Games;
Vincent Scheurer (legal consultant - games industry): Adapting Existing Works for Use in Games;
Jochen Schmidt (digital event designer): Behind the Scenes Before the Screens: Interactive Audience Participation in Digital Cinemas;
Tom Söderlund (Head of Games Publishing, Synergenix): Proximity Gaming - New Forms of Wireless Network Gaming;
Stale Stenslie (media artist): Symbiotic Interactivity in Multisensory Environments; Maureen Thomas (writer, director, Creative Director CUMIS, Cambridge University): Playing with Chance and Choice Orality, Narrativity and Cinematic Media: Vala s Runecast;
Christian Ziegler (media artist): 66movingimages - Interaction in Filmic Space;
Eric Zimmerman (game developer, CEO gameLab): Narrative, Interactivity, Play, and Games: Four Naughty Concepts in Need of Discipline.
Brunhild Bushoff (ed.).2005. Developing Interactive Narrative Content. sagas_sagasnet_reader. München: HighText-Verlag. 486 pp. (EUR 34,90)
available at:
HighText Verlag
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About HighText Verlag:Since 1991 publisher HighText Verlag focuses on the new media industry with a number of trend reports and news services. HighText was the first publisher in 1991 to concentrate exclusively on writing about 'interactive media'. Since 1994 HighText was one of the first German publishers to provide its readers with initially a weekly and since 1996 a daily online information service through their own webserver.
Publications by HighText Verlag are focused exclusively at companies within the new media industry as well as those, who use new media technologies professionally. HighText provides its top level readers within new media companies with information about industry trends and news. The vast services and archives within
offer useful information for day to day business as well as for strategic business planning.
Press contact:HighText Verlag
Daniel Treplin
Wilhelm-Riehl-Str. 13
80687 München
Tel.: (089) 578387-0
Fax: (089) 578387-99

HighText Verlag
Daniel Treplin
Schäufeleinstrasse 5
80687 München
Tel: (089) 578387-0
Fax: (089) 578387-99
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