Branding by Email: Software ends rampant autosignature growth
02.11.2006, 14 Uhr - ci solution GmbH
(press1) - Although most companies heed CI and CD in their Internet dealings, only a small handful of firms standardise their employees' email signatures. Manfred Büttner of ci solutions estimates that fewer than ten percent of all German companies are capable of centrally controlling language usage and structure in email footnotes. According to Büttner, "Because of this rampant growth, the emails sent from a company always look different. This means that German firms are wasting the billions they have invested in communicating their corporate design and language."
The new CI Sign software solution from ci solutions prevents users circumventing internal stipulations on the layout of email signatures, and ensures that each company always presents a uniform corporate identity in all areas, including its email communications.
With CI Sign, the administrator can distribute the signatures centrally and uniformly. In an Outlook or Outlook Web Access environment, the CI Sign Windows tool distributes centrally created signatures and permits the insertion of individual features, such as names or telephone numbers, using placeholders. The data used are taken from the Active Directory or supplied database.
CI Sign is available in German and English, can be used immediately without installation and is capable of assigning different signatures for sending and forwarding. Different signatures can be freely assigned to individual groups. Depending on the corporate policy, employees can also be authorised to use their own signature.
The administrator can choose between using a login script, group guideline or combination of the two when distributing the signatures. He can set up dynamic signatures by controlling the signatures with extended variables (which delete lines if a value is not set, for example) or even self-defined variables independently of the send status in question. This means that e.g. centrally differing claims for different countries can be defined - or different campaign offers (randomly selected if required) can be advertised in the signature automatically specific to the branch.
The solution is available online at from a price of EUR 249.
The producer, ci solution, is currently expanding its network of resellers. Specialist dealers, marketing agencies and computer retailers can register immediately at
Press contact:
ci solution GmbH
Manfred Büttner
Andreas Stäbleinstr. 14
97280 Remlingen
Tel: 09369 980-441
Fax: 09369 980-443
CI Sign enables organisations to ensure a standardised corporate image and appearance is presented to customers and business partners by email.
The software is in daily use worldwide. Customers include Schenker Deutschland, Schwenninger BBK, Coremedia, GMN, Taylor Wessing, Weko, Yamaichi Electronics and Bison Schweiz. A list of referees can be found at:
A free demo version can be downloaded at:

ci solution GmbH
Manfred Büttner
Andreas Stäbleinstr. 14
97280 Remlingen
Tel: 09369 980-441
Fax: 09369 980-443
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