eureleA 2007 - new contest - new e-learning projects wanted !

21.09.2006, 10 Uhr - eureleA

(press1) - Apply for our contest until october 30th, 2006.

Since the 15th of June, 2006, participants can take part in the e-learning contest for 2007.
Submit your entry at

At EureleA e-learning concepts for job training and further education may be sent in from any kind of organization.
The main criterion for the award is the ability to transfer the e-learning concept and its method into other contexts and other organizations.

There are different categories at EureleA, which depend on the context of the e-learning solution.
The categories are:

  • Companies and their departments, which use e-learning for job training or
    further education of their employees.
  • Associations, clubs and foundations of professional users of e-learning, e.g.
    chambers of commerce or trade, industrial consortia and similar institutions
    which use e-learning across the borders of companies.
  • Public administration and education bodies which use e-learning for job training or
    further education of their employees.
  • Private and non-profit initiatives of individuals or groups which
    use e-learning.
  • Journalism and reporting in print, radio or TV which has e-Learning
    as its focus. Here the complete, distanced and 'visionary' way of reporting will be
    awarded, so that new e-learning courses and their users can derive benefit
    from this information.

You can find all the details on our website:  
Participants / Submit Entry

European E-Learning Award:
Prof.Dr. Peter A. Henning
M.Sc. Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Anders T. Lehr
Moltkestraße 30, D-76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
phone: ++49-721-925-1524   Email: